June 22 Rector's Blog
Dear Saint Matthew's Parish family:
"But as you excel in everything--in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you--see that you excel in this act of grace also." (2 Corinthians 8:7)
In our epistle lesson this week, the Apostle Paul speaks about the benefits of extending grace to others in the form of generosity. In our daily pursuits to excel -to become proficient in an activity or subject, note he says as you excel in everything. Christians engage not only in pursuits that result in abundant living for themselves, but they excel in giving to God and others out of their abundance.
When we love God whole-heartedly, (in everything), a genuine love produced by His grace begins to flow out of us, like the early Christians in Macedonia. After learning of the needs of those less fortunate, their own extreme poverty was no match for the overwhelming, overcoming abundance of joy in knowing God's grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. "That though he was rich, yet for our sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich". (2 Corinthians 8:9)
Just now, one of our church members called and asked if I knew of others in need because his abundant garden has produced more than his needs. You see, God's timing is always impeccable. He never wastes what we give to him.
In response, two organizations that might be able to use our gifts in addition to the Free Medical Clinic and The Lord Cares are the Darlington Council on Aging (843-393-8521) and Harvest Hope Food Bank (843-661-0826). How does your garden grow?
Finally, I want to thank so many of you for participating in the Bishop's visitation last Sunday. Despite our circumstances over the past year, it is evident God's abundant grace has continued to grow and preserve Saint Matthew's Church in its mission: "Disciples making Disciples for Christ".
Let us become more aware of God's deep desire to supply all our needs and pray for the abundance of grace to go forth from this Church, reaching those in need.
In Christ's love,