June 2nd Rector's Blog

Our time and His call

The Season of Pentecost is referred to as "Ordinary Time" meaning a part of the liturgical year which falls outside Christmastide and Eastertide with their preparatory seasons of Advent and Lent.

However, we are in the season I like to refer to as our time because the Holy Spirit is living and active within us.

Having experienced the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, we have been given a great personal and corporate gift in the Holy Spirit who is our constant companion. God has drawn himself to us, giving us a Helper, the Spirit of Truth -who guides us into all the truth.

Unlike Pilate who asked Jesus before condemning him to death: What is Truth?, we have been called into a deeper understanding and relationship with the source of all knowledge, truth, and love.

When we see the big picture of how God created the world and then created humanity in his image, the light of life quickly dimmed as we fell into temptation.
But God so loved the world...

"The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world." (John 1:9) -The Incarnation of Christ followed by his Atoning sacrifice for our sins became the inauguration of paradise restored. We must stand firm in faith that God will deliver us safely onto the eternal shores of a new heaven and a new earth as he has promised.

As God draws near to us, shouldn't we draw near to him?
God is calling us by His Word and Spirit to personally draw closer to him.
How are we being called corporately? Jesus called twelve apostles and appointed them to be with him and be sent out under his authority.

As we enter into Our time together, we will primarily be studying the Gospel of Mark and Paul's letter to the Ephesians. I hope and pray you will embrace God's Word with your whole heart, because His Word and Spirit will inspire each one of us to answer His call upon his Church.

We are predictably coming out of a season of great stress and uncertainty, and who knows what the future will bring. But one thing we do know, if we don't hold fast and draw near to God as his children, we will be "tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes." (Eph. 4:14)

Therefore, let us draw near with faith to the Truth who is God in Christ Jesus. I hope you will agree with me that it is Our time and His call to be for his people the body of Christ in the world.

God's Blessings and Peace be with you always,

Janet StodaComment