April 26, 2021 Message from your Rector
A promise is a promise.
The pandemic has forced all of us to cancel and postpone gatherings so many times that we're numb to it. We expect promises to be broken in our culture.
Some have moved on from hoping to finding other ways to occupy their time.
In his book the Post-Quarantine Church, Thom Rainer shares one challenge churches are facing, in a social media post from a woman who had been active in her church for many years:
"I have been going to church for so many years I don't even know how long it's been. It was what I was supposed to do. Now I sleep in on Sunday, and I may or may not watch the Virtual service. I really like this new schedule. I am really not sure I want to go back to church like I used to. It's a big hassle."
When a church backs up its vision with action, people will become more invloved because there is no virtual replacement for being the body of Christ to a hurting world.
"Church" must become less about what we are supposed to do, to what we desire God to do through us. When we witness God's redeeming love transform a person's life, we know God exists, God is near, and God is love.
What better time to pray on behalf of ourselves and others as we prepare to celebrate the Ascension of Jesus and the Day of Pentecost.
As we look ahead, we are literally starting with a blank slate. It is time to take a good look at everything we do and develop a vision and plan instead of simply starting to do what we did before the pandemic. And then we need to communicate what God is leading us to do over and over so people can reconnect as they hear God's promise and call upon their lives.
"But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:23-24)
It's time to fish or cut bait. Either way, it's a call to action.
And the One who is calling has already gone before us. He has acted on our behalf, while we were sinners. He is the Good Shepherd who leads us where we need to go. In Him we have found truth and His Spirit in us, shows us the way.
Jesus promised his disciples that he would not leave them as orphans. He has given another Helper, "the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you" (John 14:17)
There are so many people lost in this world because they have either forgotten God, or they don't believe God exists. They don't know the power and magnitude of Love God has for them, because they don't see him.
However, when people see people engaged in love, the things Jesus taught and commanded his followers to do, then the Lord has a tendency to multiply and magnify His glory, pointing people back to Himself as Lord and Savior.
He is the great "I Am".
Please pray with me:
Lord, thank you for always keeping your promise to never leave us as orphans. Help us to remember that together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, we can reconnect and abide in your truth forever. Amen.
Please take a look at the upcoming events in the life and ministry of Saint Matthew's church and let me or the office know how you might be called to love, learn, and serve hassle free in God's Kingdom.
We are better together as God's promise keepers.
Faithfully and in His love always,