Announcements 2/1/21
The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper:
For several decades, St. Matthews Men's Club has faithfully served our Church and the Darlington Community in an annual fundraiser: The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We have cancelled this year's event due to covid concerns, however we would like to continue our fundraising efforts that support two local ministries that are literally in our back yard. Last year, we donated $4000 to The Lord Cares and The Free Medical Clinic with your help. These organizations use the funds we donate to help provide assistance to the citizens of Darlington County. The Mens Club is asking that you prayerfully consider making a donation so we can continue to support these ministries. If you would like to make a donation, please make the check payable to St Matthews Men's Club and mail it to the church office or to Billy Early's office at 123 Cashua St Darlington SC 29532. We would like to have all donations by March 1st so we can distribute the funds.
Mark your Calendars: Annual Parish meeting is now February 21, 2021.