Upcoming Women's events March and April

The Anglican Women will have their Annual Gathering at Christ Church, Mt. Pleasant, Saturday, April 24 from 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Joanne Ellison, of Drawing Near to God Ministry, is the keynote speaker and she will be teaching on “Faith Moving Forward: “Who do you say that I am?” The gathering will kick off with registration and breakfast treats at 9 a.m. and continue with talks from Joanne Ellison; times for small group discussion and quiet reflection; the installation of the new president and board; worship led by Chelsea Hamshaw; a teaching from Bishop Mark Lawrence and more. A nursery will be provided.  The cost is $25 per person and includes lunch. The registration deadline is April 16. Register on-line here

Joanna Chapter of the DOK members need to check email about  an upcoming Zoom regional meeting. If you did not get the email, contact Janet Stoda.

The DOK  SC Assembly will be having a Spring Zoom Gathering March 5-6,2021. 

 All women are invited to this event.   On Friday night Bishop Brewer our National Chaplain will speak and Bishop Grant will speak about the persecuted church.  On Saturday, Reverend John Barr will be our keynote speaker.  Register at  http://www.doksc.org/

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