St. Matthew's Church

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August 3rd, Rectors Blog

Dear Parish Family:
If you picked up a green Growing Together  booklet this past Sunday, it contains the study for 8/15 instead of 8/8. There are corrected copies in the Office and the Narthex if you are coming to Holy Eucharist Wednesday Evening. Therefore, I'll be preaching on Ephesians 4:17-5:2. The theme this week is Renewed. (Corrected Booklet HERE)
What a perfect segway to being renewed as we give thanks to Bill Ervin and the other members of the Bishop CoAdjutor's Search Committee for completing their work in providing three excellent candidates for the next Bishop of our Diocese.
Although the decision will be a difficult one for us, God's choice has been made and may the Holy Spirit lead us into alignment for His will to be done.
You can read more HERE about the candidates and the next steps toward the Special Election to be held Saturday October 16th, 2021.
Lastly, we will continue with our current open protocols for Worship Services as I expect and hope that everyone attending and participating in Sunday & Weekday Services has been fully vaccinated. For anyone who has not been vaccinated, it is recommended you continue social distancing and wear a face covering indoors. Anyone (vaccinated or unvaccinated) who has flu-like symptoms should not come to Church. All of the 11am services are Virtual.
We must remain vigilant in protecting ourselves and others. We know the drill by now and if there are any further changes necessary due to future circumstances, we will do our best in communicating them.
"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children." (Ephesians 5:1)
Pray, Pray, Pray!
In His Love,